Audio Messages...
Crystal gets the opportunity to share all over the country. This is a collection of some of her favorite message for you to listen to, download, and share with your friends. Her prayer is that God would speak to you, as He has spoken to others.
Below is the newest message from Crystal.
Below are messages from this year. To see a list of messages from previous years, click on the year you are looking for: All Time Favorites, 2023 Messages, 2022 Messages, 2021 Messages,
2020 Messages, or older messages.
Requirements for End Time Restoration
Luke 18:1-8 is a parable Jesus tells that blatantly, even so undeniable as to be “in our face” that spells out what God is looking for and requiring of His people at the time of His return. Jesus painted a totally impossible situation and gave us a promise that we could have an “impossible turnaround” simply by PERSISTENTLY BELIEVING! The promise of the restoration of our entire being WHILE living on planet earth cannot be disqualified based upon a faulty performance but simply by UNBELIEF! This gives me GREAT PEACE! He WANTS to give us the FULL inheritance that He paid for! He simply requires faith... persistent faith that refuses to fold under opposing circumstances.
Going Higher
What was God’s intention for His people in the beginning? To walk WITH Him and go where He IS.....WHILE we are still alive on planet earth. We see that in the Garden and also when He brought the Hebrews out of Egypt He invited the entire nation to come close and to HEAR Him for themselves. But they refused and a religious hierarchy was set up as a replacement. But God’s ORIGINAL plan will be accomplished. Isaiah chapter 2 speaks of it happening at the “end of days”. People from every nation will say, “let us go up” into the mountain of the Lord and be taught by HIM! This teaching not only reveals truth but also has an exercise at the end to practice stepping out into our come BOLDLY TO THE THRONE OF GRACE!
Grace Isn't Always Fun
We LOVE the grace of God, as we should, but how about when God showers it on the dirty rat who did you wrong? THAT my friend isn’t easy to handle. It can feel like a betrayal. These instances are hard to walk through... BUT... the blessings of handling it right are great, and the consequences of NOT accepting it can absolutely keep us out of God’s presence! It can literally define your future success or failure.
Entering the Day of the Lord
Forget the arguments of it being Saturday or’s FAR GREATER than a “day of the week”! It’s literally a day outside of time that we can pull from in our “now”! It’s literally the right to enter into the realm of the Kingdom OUTSIDE OF TIME and bring it’s resources into our NOW!
Is This The Tribulation
This question has been in a lot of people’s mind, and understandably so. This teaching addresses this subject and proves from God’s Word how this can NOT be the tribulation and the mark of the beast. Not yet! So many awesome prophecies from God’s word that HAS to happen BEFORE the tribulation has not yet happened. Matter of fact, if your end time theology is all doom and gloom... it’s wrong. We can all quote the bad signs of the times but have you become acquainted with the GOOD SIGNS??
The Ever Living Ones
Salvation in God’s plan is FAR GREATER, beyond our imagination, than simply receiving forgiveness of sins and going to heaven when we die. It’s laid out in black and white in scripture but we haven’t had eyes to see until this time when God is taking the blinders off our minds. God’s plan of redemption is to culminate in the end days by a generation that manifests the total defeat of death that Jesus accomplished on the cross. His desire is to bring forth His “everlasting ones”. Those who believe and receive the plan of God to have a people transfigured as He was BEFORE death so that death does NOT touch their physical bodies but instead, they experience total renewal and restoration of His blueprint for us before the fall of man. Too good to be true?? That’s the GOSPEL!
John 10:1-10... Romans 8:2... II Timothy 1:10... Romans 8:11... Romans 8:23... Romans 8:19..... Romans 8:21... Psalms 16:10... Romans 6:8... Romans 6:23 (Romans 8:2)... Romans 6:3 & 4... Romans 7:6... Galatians 4:3-5... Galatians 4:4 (Romans 8:23)... Galatians 4:7... Galatians 4:21... Galatians 5:18... Galatians 5:5... Romans 8:23-31... Ephesians 3:20... I Corinthians 2:7-10... Isaiah 60
The Two Wittnesses
Revelation 11 has much to say about the “Two Witnesses” who will walk in great power and unleash God’s justice into the earth. Ever wonder who they are? Elijah... Enoch... Moses? How about we allow the Bible to interpret itself! Listen to this and see if the Bible doesn’t paint a clear picture of who they actually are!
God Covenanted with Genetics
It only takes a surface study in Biblical history of God’s interaction with mankind to realize that God was following a bloodline... genetics. God didn’t choose men who were without screw-ups. Some He ignored and others He stood by with steadfast loyalty no matter what. Why? He had made covenant with a BLOODLINE... NOT an individual’s ability to be righteous. This teaching is a fairly simple one but is an “Ah-Ha” revelation of our complete SECURITY that is based solely on God’s loyalty to the blood that He covenanted with... NOT on our personal record.
A Generation that wont Die
2 Tim 1:10 says that Jesus ABOLISHED death. It’s the will of God that death be put UNDER our feet! He is unleashing revelation at this time of His will to not simply reverse the aging process but bring a generation into the FULLNESS of our inheritance IN HIM! A people clothed in His glory who won’t experience death!
What Part of ETERNAL LIFE Don't You Understand
Salvation is INCREDIBLY MORE than getting our sins washed and going to heaven after we die! The truth of the full salvation message hasn’t yet been fully preached and therefore the masses have not yet heard, much less believed. God has set in motion something the earth has never yet seen, but a generation is rising who will walk in its fullness!
Darkest Before Dawn
The Bible distinctly lays out the sequence concerning the great world wide harvest. BEFORE God pours His Spirit out, He will remove those who have become so corrupted by their allegiance with evil. The chaos that’s going on now is simply the “spring cleaning” preceding the outpouring! God is bringInt JUSTICE to earth!
Who Really Has Dominion
Micah gives an amazing accurate prophetic rundown of where our nation and the ecclesia is at this pivotal moment in history.