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We Are More

Believers worldwide (overly simplified) seem to fit into one of two categories: Satisfied and complacent or bored and frustrated. Which one are you? This teaching isn’t for the satisfied believers. It’s not entirely a bad thing if you are bored and/or frustrated in your Christian experience. It COULD be because you have a stirring on the inside that means you’re hungry for MORE! That’s Holy Spirit calling you HIGHER! Dare to go outside the boundaries of what’s acceptable “Christian religion” to experience ALL that we are called to walk in!

Let Us Go On to Maturity

Hebrews chapter 6 describes the FOUNDATION of the house God is building. You don’t settle in and live on the foundation. Foundations aren’t the finished product and neither is God finished with us! He explicitly tells us HOW to “go on to maturity”.

Identity - Don't Get Caught Without It

Satan is THE greatest identity thief. I can have a million dollars in the bank and not be able to access it without having proof of identity. Just so, what we have as a believer can’t be accessed without knowing and CARRYING that identity on our person!

Faithful Failures

William Tecumseh Sherman was used by God to bring the Civil War to a screeching halt. Though he has been demonized by the south, true history tells quite a different story. It’s AMAZING to see the history of this man’s life that led to him fulfilling this massive task that no other living person at that time could do. His story will encourage you to trust God to use even your “failures” for His purpose!

The Value of Pearls

God gives us promises and those promises automatically attract the enemy’s opposition. Satan is after your PROMISES. Those promises give hope but attract discomfort. Will we face the opposition faithfully and BECOME a pearl of great value, or will we throw the promise aside to avoid the conflict?

Who Gets Your Power

WE have incredible power that we are often unaware of. The problem is, we give our power away without even being aware or recognizing that fact. If we sow our power towards God it multiplies greatly. If we expend our power towards emotional distress or offense, etc. we are in fact allowing Satan to literally siphon off our power unwittingly. Who gets your power?

Don't Waste Your Pearls

Promises from God attract the enemy. Opposition comes to derail destiny and ours is the choice to overcome or fold under pressure.   There's more value in the promises you've been given than you may realize!

There's So Much MORE!

And we thought we knew what salvation consisted of!  We haven't touched the FRINGES of what Father will do through His own!  Are you hungry for more?  Expand our thinking and God will stretch us even further!

You Staying Or Going?

Those who didn't cross over into the Promised Land, died in the wilderness. Those 50 prophets who stood back and watched Elijah and Elisha instead of crossing over and being engaged in the shift God was doing, suddenly went from hearing accurately to being totally oblivious!  The church age is ended...the Kingdom Age is upon us. We either move WITH the new or die out with the old.

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Don't Wast Your Pearls - Crystal Lyons
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There's So Much MORE - Crystal Lyons
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Who Gets Your Power - Crystal Lyons
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Faithful Failures - Crystal Lyons
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The Value of Pearls - Crystal Lyons
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Identity - Don't Be Caught Without It - Crystal Lyons
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You Staying Or Going - Crystal Lyons
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Let Us Go On To Maturity - Crystal Lyons
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We Are MORE! - Crystal Lyons
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God is Doing a New Thing

God is doing a new thing: The title says it all. WE AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET!! Expectation and hunger draws the attention of God. Let God increase your HUNGER by the invitation in this teaching to "come up higher and meet with Father"!

Building a Victorious Mindset

Building A Victorious Mindset: Becoming a people that God can work THROUGH and WITH instead of always asking God to do FOR me! It's high time we drop that "orphan mentality" and learn to walk WITH God, accessing what's been given to us!

Continue The Journey

Continue The Journey: Life brings us situations that can change our thinking from positive to negative and sometimes we don't even recognize that we've let go of hope. This teaching addresses trauma that can literally keep us from believing good news. Be encouraged and inspired and hope again! We can literally push back oppression and depression by doing this simple exercise.

You Are MORE Than You Think

Most people's understanding of salvation by the blood of Jesus is FAR BELOW what it actually accomplishes in us and for us!  Broaden your understanding of what Jesus has actually bought for us and it will ignite in you a great desire to explore the fact that "you are MORE than you think!"

Dealing with Soul Ties

Everything that our soul (ie, our mind, will and emotions), entangles with — good or bad — continues to bind us with the object of that entanglement, even after we physically make a break from it and seek to move on. That's why soul ties, especially those resulting from sexual intimacy, continue to haunt a person emotionally long after that relationship has ended. Soul ties are real and they affect our lives in very real ways. This teaching explains the power of soul ties and how to remove their hindrances from our lives.

The Engaging Aspects of Becoming a Pearl

A great opportunity lies before every believer to become something HIGHLY PRIZED in heaven's economy... a pearl. Find out what God is offering to us in this parable and HOW to assimilate it into a LIFESTYLE where we can BECOME one of God's greatest treasures!

Attitude of a Warrior

God is called the Lord of Armies. That's not ONLY angels it's referring to.....WE are a part of the army of God! God's army is arising in the earth and to be a part of the glorious future that He has mapped out for us in these last days, we need to EMBRACE certain attitudes! ARISE AND BECOME WHO YOU HAVE BEEN DESTINED TO BE!

You Ain't Normal!

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...How can a person who's experienced the supernatural born again experience retreat to a normal lifestyle? Yet, I believe this is the MAJOR cause of BOREDOM in believers. We are BUILT for the SUPERNATURAL! Change the way we think in being fearful of a realm we've been re-created to walk in! God's invitation to us is open.....whosoever WILL may come!!

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The Engaging Aspects of Becoming a Pearl - Unknown Artist
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Dealing with Soul Ties - Crystal Lyons
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You Are MORE Than You Think - Crystal Lyons
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Building a Victorious Mindset - Crystal Lyons
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Continue The Journey - Crystal Lyons
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God Is Doing a New Thing - Crystal Lyons
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Attitude of a Warrior - Crystal Lyons
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You Ain't Normal! - Crystal Lyons
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